Nine out of ten people having decided to go for a new vehicle have one common thing in mind - and that is fuel efficiency, or in other words, mileage of the vehicle. Fuel efficiency can be achieved in two ways - one selecting the ideal vehicle that guarantees and provides fuel efficiency, and the second is in the owner's hands - how he handles the vehicle and how he maintains the same.
A vehicle that can reach 0 - 60 Mph in flat 5 seconds or less would be a great one no doubt, but it might not guarantee fuel efficiency. The locality in which you tend to use the vehicle the most, the terrain conditions and such other factors do have an impact on the choice of the most fuel-efficient vehicles.
The automakers, using the latest in technological advancements and considering the ecological factors into consideration, have brought out a number of models that capture the eye of the fuel-efficiency savvy consumer.
Toyota Prius from the stable of Toyota Motor Company will be one of the models worth considering to provide comfort, luxury and fuel efficiency. If you were a person who tends to travel around 100 kilometers a day, then Prius would be an ideal choice. Prius offers a mileage of 48 from a gallon of gas for city driving while for driving in highways, the vehicle claims to give a mileage of 45.
Another vehicle from the Toyota stable, the Toyota Camry Hybrid with adequate comfort and seating capacity for 5 people can also be a serious contender in the most fuel-efficient vehicle category for 2010. If you want to look away from Toyota Brand, Volkswagen's Jetta TDI, Altima Hybrid from Nissan Motor and Ford Escape Hybrid from Ford Motors might meet your requirements. These brands are among the most fuel-efficient vehicles available in the market place in the year 2010.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Melkonyan